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Certified Teachers training : Finnish Padagogy level 1

Introduction to the course This course is developed by Iglookids, an international pre-school that provides Finnish based education all around the world. The purpose of this course is to gain an understanding about how to implement a Finnish based curriculum with the help of hands-on tools and processes. As a teacher, you will learn howCertified Teachers training : Finnish Padagogy level 1

251 students enrolled

Introduction to the course

This course is developed by Iglookids, an international pre-school that provides Finnish based education all around the world. The purpose of this course is to gain an understanding about how to implement a Finnish based curriculum with the help of hands-on tools and processes. As a teacher, you will learn how to create a curriculum and plan your daily activities reflecting good practices, values and guidelines from Finnish early childhood education.

  • This course material is developed in co-operation with experienced Finnish early childhood education professionals.
  • All pictures are from authentic situations in pre-schools in Finland. 
  • We are looking forward to build together with you a unique educational
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book
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