Course: Certified Teachers training : Finnish P...


Certified Teachers training : Finnish Padagogy level 1

Text lesson

Ready for Environment setup

1. Your Vision: Think of this as your dream for the space. What colors make you smile? What vibe do you want? Your vision sets the stage for a place that’s not just about learning but about creating a world where curiosity and joy take center stage.

2. Parents’ Wishes: Now, let’s bring in the wishes of the real superheroes – the parents. What dreams do they have for their little ones? By understanding and including these wishes, we’re not just creating a learning space; we’re building a connection between home and the magic that happens here.

3. Children’s Wishes: Finally, let’s dive into the world of the little ones. What makes their eyes light up? What colors and shapes spark their imagination? By turning their wishes into reality, we’re transforming the learning space into a place where their dreams can unfold like a story.

Creating Harmony: When these three elements come together, it’s like a symphony. Your center becomes more than just walls and toys; it becomes a haven where learning is an adventure. Every nook and cranny is carefully chosen to match the dreams of everyone involved – you, the parents, and, of course, the little dreamers.

So, as you embark on the journey of creating the ultimate learning playground, let your vision, the wishes of parents, and the dreams of the little ones blend together. In this mix of influences, the learning space transforms into a place of shared dreams, laughter, and endless discoveries