Course: Certified Teachers training : Finnish P...


Certified Teachers training : Finnish Padagogy level 1

Text lesson

Exploring, Learning and Experiencing

In the realm of education, the Finnish philosophy takes a distinctive approach—focusing on projects and themes rather than conventional subjects. Here, children are not confined to learning isolated subjects; instead, they embark on engaging projects that weave together a tapestry of knowledge and experience.


In practical terms, this means immersing children in hands-on activities and real-world projects that spark their curiosity and connect them to the intricacies of the world around them. Imagine young minds exploring the mysteries of science, delving into the rich tapestry of history, and embracing the creativity of the arts—all seamlessly woven into captivating projects.


The essence lies in providing children with tangible experiences that go beyond textbook learning. It’s about fostering a deep understanding of the surrounding world, enabling them to connect the dots between theory and practice. Whether it’s cultivating a garden, conducting science experiments, or creating art installations, every project becomes a portal for exploration and comprehension.


Moreover, this approach transcends the traditional notion of ‘subjects.’ Instead, it emphasizes the integration of knowledge and skills across disciplines, fostering a holistic understanding of the interconnectedness of various fields. The aim is not just to transfer information but to instill a sense of wonder and curiosity that propels lifelong learning.


In this educational tapestry, projects become the heartbeat of learning, instigating a dynamic journey where children actively participate in their own understanding and growth. It’s a departure from the conventional classroom model, transcending the boundaries of subjects to create an environment where education is a living, breathing entity—a continuous exploration that prepares children not just for exams, but for the vast canvas of life that awaits them.